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“Culinary School: To Go or Not To Go?”

It’s a question anyone who works in the food world, from celebrated chefs to popular bloggers, gets asked: “Should I go to culinary school?”
From someone who writes about food and also graduated from culinary school, my answer is always, “It depends.” But don’t take my word for it. Instead, you should get yourself a copy of Regina Varolli’s “99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Going to Culinary School.” This new book, it’s available in paperback and on the Kindle, isn’t meant to make the decision for you, but Varolli does interview hundreds of industry experts to give readers a realistic sense of what it’s like in culinary school, and the decisions you should contemplate before enrolling.
Who could blame someone for not wanting to go to culinary school though? Everyone loves food. We’re living in a time when the Food Network keeps us glued to the our television sets watching Ina Garten fixing her picture perfect picnics in the Hamptons or Guy Fieri eating at divey diners across the country. Celebrity chefs are worshipped. We care more about organic and sustainable than ever before. But culinary school is always so glitzy. There’s the cost, many low-paying entry-level jobs and of course, the hard work. The upside is the people you’re often surrounded by are those who love the food and service industry. We’ll let you make the decision for yourself. Just check out Varolli’s book.
— Bao Ong

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