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“Josh Ozersky Versus Greek Yogurt”

One of my favorite food writers is Josh Ozersky, and his latest piece in, in which he expresses his opinion on the growing popularity of Greek yogurt, is a must-read. In it, he writes:  "Greek yogurt, with hardly any sweetness at all, and no Cap’n Crunch to be found anywhere, has become so popular that it is credited with saving the dairy industry in some areas, and of wiping out the milk supply in others…. Chobani, which is apparently the top-selling yogurt in the country, is opening up a store too. Even Fro-Yo giants like Pinkberry trying to get in on the action, adding Greek yogurt to their menus. Which I think is odd, because I don’t understand why anyone would actually like the way it tastes."

Ozersky examines the appeal of Greek yogurt for some people and explains his distaste for it:  "Greek yogurt is even worse, with a sour tang that reverberates with every bite, making you long for the most vile processed pudding you can remember eating. Of course, that’s part of its appeal. Greek yogurt belongs to that class of foods, along with fish sauce and runny cheese and the kind of chocolate that is composed of 99% cocoa solids, which mark one’s taste as grown-up. I personally detest them, but then I’m a vulgarian…. Unlike some pseudo-populist types, I don’t present my admittedly juvenile tastes as a badge of honor. But they incline me to doubt whether, in the absence of any compelling health reason to do so, so many people really prefer a product that is tart and savory to one that is sweet."

I loved his story, even though I do enjoy Greek Yogurt and so does my daughter Emily, who is three. But I do agree with him about the dark chocolate craze. I'm a milk chocolate girl. I am not a grown up in that respect (or many others) at all.

Read the whole story here.

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