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“Reading Room”

Since Oprah recommended it, I am perhaps the last person to read Wild, by Cheryl Strayed, but I'm so glad I did. It was fantastic — a cross between The Glass Castle and Into the Wild. The true story of a 22-year old woman who hikes the Pacific Crest Trail (1100 miles of it at least) from the Mojave to the Bridge of the Gods, all alone. She's wrecked and devestated by assorted strands of harrowing grief and the hike takes her way—with a host of characters who help her and a backpack she calls Monster—from lost to found. I couldn't put it down and cried within the first chapter (on the Subway, no less, which is always fun).
In any case, read it.

Also, check out Strong Buzz staff writer Bao Ong's latest piece in Travel & Leisure about vintage menus.

There will be much more in Reading Room next week. If you're reading anything good, let me know! Post a comment below or shoot me an email at

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