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“Beer Table is on the Move”

This just in from the great folks at Park Slope's Beer Table:
We have decided that it is time for a bit more space....and a full kitchen!  We are in the process of identifying a new, slightly larger location and are going to pass the torch here at 427 7th Avenue to another restauranteur who will surely do great things with our beloved home.
Please forward this announcement to anyone you know who cares about great beer and join us as much as possible in the next 25 days for special events and happenings. Our final day will be Saturday, April 27th. If you have a gift certificate, and have been waiting for the perfect moment to redeem - these are the last moments!

After the official closing, we intend to host a traveling dinner series, continue our catering and beer tasting services, and prepare for the next round of Table Beer.
Spread the word!  Invite your friends to join our mailing list. Also, if you have not already, follow Beer Table on twitter  and like  our facebook page - it is a great way to stay in touch with our events and happenings. 

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