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“Calling all Aunts! has arrived”

Lately my friends are either becoming parents or becoming aunts, or both. The parenting thing is certainly an amazing and life-changing experience, and an booming industry has sprouted around it to provide gifts, community, and advice on everything from teething to weaning, and beyond. But what about Aunts? Where are they to turn for advice on child-friendly events, cool toddler gifts, and unique kid-centered activities? Welcome to Savvy Auntie!

This new website and online community was developed by my cousin, Melanie Notkin, a savvy (and incredible) woman who doesn’t have children of her own (yet), but who is the favorite auntie to a half-dozen nieces and nephews. She was struck by the lack of community for “aunting” needs, and so she parlayed her marketing background into this dynamic new online resource and community for professional, savvy women who are aunts but not parents themselves and who might need a bit of advice and community.

The site, which is free to join, is the only website to provide expertise designed specifically for aunts, offering dozens of ways for aunts to connect and become smarter and more in tune with kids and what kids love, so they no longer have to rely on a mom or a parenting guide for advice. And with advice like this, Mom may be peaking into SavvyAuntie’s archives as well.

Dubbed “the first parenting site for non-parents,” is divided into four main areas: Experts (health, special needs, cuisine, finance), Activities (search by zip code), Gifts (which can be filtered, among other things, by Auntie’s personality, so the gift can be a reflection of her), and Community (tons of user generated content, ratings, comments, photo sharing and social media tools).

If you’re an aunt, a mom, or just want to check it out, please visit SavvyAutnie today!

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