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“Shake Shack Upper West Side to open Monday (or sooner!)”

A press release from Danny Meyer informs us that Shake Shack will open its doors on Monday October 20th at 366 Columbus Avenue, on the northwest corner of 77th Street and Columbus Avenue. If trial runs go well, the Shack may even open earlier. Its hours will be seven days a week from 11 AM - 11 PM. The menu is basically the same, other than a selection of Concretes designed for the UWS like the Natural History Crunch-stillatio—vanilla custard, malt, caramel and Valrhona chocolate chunks crunchies ($6.75). Happy eating!

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“Missing piece of NYC living”

I've never been to the Shake Shack. Maybe the new location will be perfect for a "stroller day" with Jonah! Hope you're well.

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