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“Mr. Kass Goes to Washington”

Marion Burros reports today in the Times that Sam Kass, a private chef who cooked for the Obamas while they were living in Chicago, is now cooking for them in the White House.

Kass will work in conjunction with White House chef Cristeta Comerford, but his appointment is good news for locavores as Kass is known for shopping locally and buying wines from small sustainable wineries. His appointment makes a vegetable garden on the White House grounds more of a possibility.

At 28 years old, his training includes stints at a Michelin-starred restaurant in Europe and at Avec in Chicago.


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“Great News!”

I think the appointment of Kass to the White House staff is a leg-up for the local food movement. Now if we could only get the mainstream media to pick up on the story and the significance of it...

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