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“The Baby and The Buzz”

Hi everyone!

I wanted to write you all quick note, because it seems I am about to have a baby. It’s been about nine months, and they've been pretty good ones, but all good things must come to an end and that time is coming soon. We're rapidly approaching the moment when I'll have to push her out into the world. (Insert scream.) I'll be honest. I am a little intimidated by the labor part—a world (or at least 24-36 hours) of unknown pain and exhaustion. I don't even like going to the dentist, so I am not sure how I am going to do with the labor part. We'll see. I am hoping to set a record for the shortest and most painless labor ever. Wish me luck!

But labor and delivery aside, there’s still the whole issue of what exactly I’ll do with her once she's out and about. I can’t just leave her with a an iPod tuned to a great playlist, a bottle, and a Facebook page to play with (yet). There’s a steep learning curve to mommy-hood, and one I am sure I will master given some time, but it’s scary. To give you some perspective, I think I’ve changed two diapers in my life, and the closest I’ve come to childcare is some ex-boyfriends who I broke up with rather quickly.

But we’ve tried to prepare. We've taken classes, sourced advice from friends, and right now we're just trying to find a soft, Zen place to rest our minds before she barrels into our world. Some days it works, other days (well, nights), I lie awake staring at the walls just wondering about what the future holds.

As for actually being pregnant, aside from the weight gain, the exhaustion, and the lovely patchwork of issues it comes along with (heartburn being pretty much the only one I can speak about in mixed company), it’s been really good so far. No issues with nausea or morning sickness, no medical issues, it’s been a smooth ride, thankfully. Though there have been moments.

At the beginning of my pregnancy I just felt fat. I was gaining weight, but not in that sexy bump way. I just looked large—like I’d been snacking at an all-you-can-eat biscuit buffet for two months straight. I completely lacked that gorgeous goddess glow pregnancy thing. On top of that, while I didn’t have any morning sickness, I was stricken with some form of pregnancy-induced Narcolepsy. I felt like I hadn’t slept in a week when it had only been about two hours since my last nap. There were days when my chin would honestly come close to hitting the mousepad on my laptop mid sentence. But by the second trimester, things had gotten a bit better. I was starting to look more pregnant and not as plump. Plus I grew boobs. That was fun.

And here we are at 38 weeks (pretty much the end of the line in pregnancy parlance), and I wanted to give you all a head’s up about what will happen on The Strong Buzz while I am trying to figure out how to be a mom.

While I hope to be able to continue to write portions of The Strong Buzz, I have heard that this bringing up baby thing takes a lot of time, and that it may actually interfere with my ability to visit restaurants and write about them as often as I’d like. Rather than ditch the baby, I have a enlisted the services of some great food writers to replace me for the next month or two, so you’ll be treated to some new voices, which I hope you enjoy.

I anticipate that there may be some irregular activity on the site for a little while until I get the hang of motherhood, but rest assured, I’ll be back as soon as I am able. I have no idea when the Baby Buzz will arrive, but it will be in the next two to three weeks. I’ll let you know as soon as she’s here. Wish me luck! (And pray that the hospital food isn’t that bad.)


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Sweetie, hospital food SUCKS!!! just thought you should know, have Craig bring some in!


Just make sure you get the epidural injection and your husband commanding you to push and count from 1 to 10 at the rhythm of your contractions...he can see them come in the monitor after just a few...

“Mazel Tov!”

Congrats Andrea-- and well said in this blog entry. My sister-in-law is due in 2 days, and I'm going to be an aunt for the first time. So I can understand your feelings cause I heard them all from her the past 9 months too! Good Luck, and Mazel Tov!

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