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“Fatty Crab”

  Occasion: Cuisine: Area: Cost: Rating:
  Night Out Asian MeatPacking Cheap Eats Great

ab: this is food on adrenaline. The flavors are full speed ahead—hot, spicy, pungent, tangy, and brilliant. This grub is great, but it ain’t for pansies. This is authentic Malaysian food and it is not toned down for a New York sensibility. Well-coifed metrosexuals and the women who fight with them over their antioxidant moisturizers and organic hair gel be warned: this is really messy, really good food that requires a sense of adventure and that will result in you having the most divine chile sauce all over your face, fingers, hair and any other body part that happens to get in the way. Don’t come here if you are delicate. You might break. I have this vision of hordes of glossy-lipped Meatpacking regulars running from here over to Pastis after trying to get through the bowl of whole blue crabs in that fire-breathing chile sauce. Take it from me—I left hot, sweaty, and deliriously happy, but in need of a shower from the shameless almost tantric heat coming off of the food. I loved it. Just be prepared to get your hands dirty.

Fatty Crab is located at 643 Hudson Street, between Horatio and Gansevoort Sts., 212-352-3590.

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Other restaurants in MeatPacking :
+ Paradou   + Florent   + One   + Bivio   + Spice Market   + Ono   + 5 Ninth   + Fatty Crab   + Del Posto   + Morimoto   + Los Dados   + 5 Ninth   + Merkato 55   + Scarpetta   + The John Dory   + The Standard Grill   + Bill's Bar & Burger   

“Fatty Crab is coming to the UWS”

Looks like they will open soon at the former home of Zen Palate at Broadway and 77th.

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