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“North Fork Table and Inn”

  Occasion: Cuisine: Area: Cost: Rating:
  Night Out New American Suburbs Moderate Great

d never heard of; a place called Greenport.

We spent the afternoon in the Eastern Long Island Hospital ER, in our soggy suits waiting for someone to stitch up his leg. It was not the afternoon we had planned. But we made the best of it, keeping warm with body heat (we were in the crazy about you stage, a stage we stayed in for quite a nice run) and making a lovely lunch of ER vending machine snacks—M&Ms, pretzels, and potato chips. A few hours later, while they were stitching him up, I took a walk outside and wondered about this little village on the bay, with wide streets lined in Cape Codders, old Victorians, and Colonials. How sweet, I thought. About a half an hour later he was all fixed up and we asked them to call a cab for us to get back to Sag Harbor. “Cab?” they laughed. “No, you can’t take a cab to Sag Harbor from here, it will cost you a hundred dollars! You have to take the ferry back across.” “Huh?” I had no idea what they were talking about, no sense of where in the world we were. We called our friends and they said, yes, that we had to come back across the water, that it would take too long to drive around to the South Fork from the North Fork. We took a cab into the town of Greenport where our friends picked us up in their boat at the dock at Claudio’s. We made it back to Sag Harbor for a hot shower and a great Sunday dinner with enough wine to dull the pain in his leg. All said and done it was a great weekend.

Who knew that a few years later, he and I would heartbreakingly go our separate ways, and that a few years after that I would be spending summers in a house in that quaint little town, just a few blocks from that hospital and that just a mile down the road from that house, a fabulous new restaurant would be opened by two of the city’s great chefs. Funny where life takes you.

The North Fork Table and Inn is located at 57225 Main Road, Southold, 631-765-0177.

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Other restaurants in Suburbs :
+ Gaia in Greenwich CT   + North Fork Table and Inn   + Izakaya and the New Water Club in Atlantic City   + La Estacion (Fajardo, Puerto Rico) by special guest reviewer Kathleen Squires   + The Lunch Truck at the North Fork Table and Inn   

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