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“Bohemian Beer Hall”

  Occasion: Cuisine: Area: Cost: Rating:
  Night Out German/Austrian Queens Cheap Eats Good

t like I imagine Styrofoam packing material might taste. The gravy has some flavor and it is key. The pirogies are good though. The large, floppy boiled dumplings are stuffed until protruding with soft mashed potatoes, and bedded on a mess of tangy braised cabbage. If the weather were just a tad colder they would have really hit the spot.

It was getting close to game time and Craig thought it would be very un-Dude if we were late to the game. (I’ll let you guess the reference.) We paid our check and ran to catch the train over to Shea. We got there in the nick of time and took our seats under the stadium lights. The air was soft and warm. It was a beautiful night. We got a bag of Cracker Jacks and a few beers. I must mention here that there has been a serious decline in the quality of Cracker Jacks since I was a kid. For the record, there should be a lot more peanuts, and I really prefer the tall, narrow, rectangular box with the really cool prizes buried down at the bottom, like those fake tattoos we used to decal onto our arms, to the current crinkly plastic bag where you don’t even have to search for the prize because it’s right up there on the top and is usually some promotional thing, not an authentic prize. I, for one, support a return to the days of the quality Cracker Jacks with quality prizes in a tall rectangular box.

Nonetheless, the night was perfect. We sat back in our seats, drank our beers, ate our caramel popcorn and peanut, and watched the Mets clinch the division against the Marlins, 4-0. (Jose, Jose, Jose, Jose!) We headed home on the 7 train, squished in with hundreds of other fans, celebrating the victory, and the journey.

The Bohemian Beer Hall is located at 29-19 24th Avenue, close to 29th Street, 718-274-4925,

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