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  Occasion: Cuisine: Area: Cost: Rating:
  Night Out Italian MeatPacking Moderate Great

her wine glass down so hard that she’d broken off its base, turning it into some sort of wine glass WMD. Our earnest waiter attempted to replace it with one that did not have the potential to stab out someone’s eye. She refused and continued to drink from a wine glass with a stem and no base and no way to put it down. She was a mess. You should’ve seen her try to make it to the ladies room. I’m bringing a video camera next time.

Now, I realize I sound like an total old geezer here. Sure, girls just wanna have fun, and I’m all for that, but there’s a time and a place, and it’s not at Scarpetta. Go to Vento or STK. Have a tray of Cosmos and enjoy. But keep it out of the real restaurants. It’s clear Conant is not aiming to open a Meatpacking restaurant with bottle service and inebriated quasi-teenagers breaking his stemware. He’s got well-trained staff that offers excellent service, and terrific food that deserves more respect (and better acoustics).

Then again, maybe I am all wrong here. Who says you can’t have three star food with Girls Gone Wild? Hell, why not. Those beams in the ceilings look wide and strong, and perfect for climbing. Last one up buys dinner!

Scarpetta is located at 335 West 14th Street, corner of 9th Avenue, 212-691-0555.


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“Noise Level at Scarpetta”

You are not old. I am. In any case, there is a major difference between "going out" and fine dining. Most people, regardless of age, want the ability to converse in a normal voice during a fine meal. I can't begin to tell you how many restaurants, at all levels, have been too noisy to enjoy the experience.

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