The Strong Buzz

Eggscellent Activities for Easter Weekend!

Spring Fling at Brooklyn Bridge Park- Saturday, April 23, 10:30 a.m.– 1 p.m.

The Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy, in partnership with Brooklyn Bridge Park, will kick-off the 2011 programming season with the 6th Annual Spring Fling. This celebration of spring will feature Easter Bunny, AudraRox!, and Butterfly Boogie with the Wildlife Theater Company. Spot some birds with Brooklyn birdwatcher, Carolyn Murphy. Come to Pier 1 for an egg toss, egg roll, a duck race, and other games to get your feet moving!

Beautiful Earth Group will also be on site to make solar power bead necklaces. Karma Kids Yoga will also be there to help you practice your yoga poses and Transit Museum, Brooklyn Public Library and Moxie Spot will host activity tables. Game prizes provided by Jacques Torres Chocolate. 10:30-11:30 – Wildlife Theater Company’s Butterfly Boogie 10:30-12:30 – Storytelling 10:30-11:00; 11:30-12:00 – Birdwatching (max 30 people) 12:00-1:00 – AudraRox! Games and activities throughout the event!

Details: Visit The Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy for more details. At Pier 1.

Chocolate Eggs for All

Jean François Bonnet, of Tumbador Chocolate in Brooklyn, will be at Eataly, 200 Fifth Avenue (23rd Street) on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. to demonstrate handmade chocolate Easter eggs. Bring your own gift and you can tuck it inside for a traditional Italian surprise. There is no admission fee, and reservations are not required, but the supply of eggs is limited. The cost is $11.80 for a five-inch egg, $16.80 for a seven-inch egg.

Egg Decorating for Dummies
A class in egg decorating will be held for children 7 or older, with an adult, on Saturday from noon to 2 p.m. at the Peninsula New York. Admission is $55 each for a child or an adult and includes an afternoon tea buffet: (212) 903-3923.

How to Cook an Egg

A comprehensive class on how to cook eggs, the differences between mass-produced and farm eggs, and egg-cooking tools will be held on Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. at Brooklyn Kitchen, 100 Frost Street (Leonard Street), Williamsburg, Brooklyn; $50: (718) 389-2982,

Andrea Strong