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“Aroma Kitchen and Winebar”

  Occasion: Cuisine: Area: Cost: Rating:
  Night Out Italian East Village Moderate Good

that morning, pointing him out with a subtle nod of the head. "Him? The one with the dark hair and blue eyes? Yeah, he is cute," she said. "So what are you gonna do about it?" she asked. "Do about it? I'm not gonna do anything about it. Other than just stare on occasion. I'm in love with Jack for now." Adrienne laughed. "Andrea, Jack is not real. He is a character in your novel," she pointed out. "Yes, I know. But still, I can't cheat on him." She just rolled her eyes. (I have since realized that I can be in love a character in my book, and that dating a man in the real world does not constitute cheating on him. My therapist is so proud.)


A few days later I got a call from Adrienne. "I met your coffee shop guy," she said. "He lives in my building. We were doing laundry next to each other. I told him about you." "What? You met him? You told him about me? Explain please," I asked. "He was doing laundry next to me and I told him I recognized him from the coffee shop, and told him that I usually go there with you and that you were also a writer. I know he thinks I was trying to pick him up so I mentioned I had a boyfriend. He's probably totally confused. Anyway, let's go to the coffee shop together this week and I'll introduce you." I couldn't argue with that. Later that week, Adrienne and I went to the coffee shop, and there he was (poor unsuspecting victim of our scheming) writing and drinking a small black coffee. "Hey, Craig. How are you?" Adrienne said, greeting him and turning to me. "And this is Andrea, my writer friend I was telling you about." We said hello. An hour later we were still talking. Adrienne was flipping through her People magazine, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.


It took me a lot longer than a few months to finally walk in and "meet" Aroma Kitchen and Winebar. It's been a year and seven months. But finally, last week, I did more than walk by. I stepped inside that rustic nook of a restaurant, and had dinner.


Just as I suspected Aroma is something special. It is owned by Alexandra Degiorgio and Vito Polosa, a husband and wife team who long dreamed of owning a small place to entertain friends over leisurely dinners like they did at home in their native Mediterranean lands. Alexandra, who runs the front of the house with genuine grace and warmth, is from Malta, and Vi ... [more, click below]

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